Mom, are you fully living so you can empower your child to do the same?

My mission is to equip you with the tools you need to become the best version of yourself, so you can equip the next generation of women to be healthy and whole.

Raising courageous, entrepreneurial-spirited daughters starts with how we choose to live our lives as moms. It’s never too late to live a life you love—and in turn, to model for your daughter how to have the resourcefulness to do the same.


The Magic Mom

The greatest entrepreneurs in the world are Moms, and raising the next generation of entrepreneurial women doesn’t happen by accident. Our daughters grow into the conversations we have around them. What kinds of conversations can we have so they grow into the best versions of themselves?

In this book, you’ll learn the formula of MAGIC which helps mothers create lives they love while leading their daughters to live powerfully.

If you are a Mom who desires more for both your own life and your daughter, Alyce Dailey’s The MAGIC Mom: 5 Principles to Unlock Your Natural Gifts to Raise Entrepreneurial Daughters, is written especially for you.

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About Alyce Dailey

About Alyce Dailey

Hi, I’m Alyce.

I’m a coach, speaker, entrepreneur, community builder, and the ultimate Girl Mom raising four wildly adventurous daughters while running multiple businesses alongside my husband, Seth.

I have won numerous awards from The Daily Record and SmartCEO magazine for my leadership in the business community, yet as I’ve traveled across the country to conferences, masterminds, and retreats, the number one question I’ve been asked over the years is: “How have you managed to raise such amazing girls?”

Hint: it wasn’t luck.

Raising daughters to be upstanding, courageous women takes intentional hard work and heart work. I can trace every remarkable, risky initiative I’ve tackled as a mom to something I call MAGIC.

I started the MAGIC Momhood community because I believe being a Mom is the most entrepreneurial venture on the planet. So many moms feel like they’re inadequate to do the job set before them, but I’m here to offer hope. You are not inadequate—you’re just ill-equipped. And there’s a world of difference between the two.

I was once ill-equipped too, which is why I’m so passionate about sharing the MAGIC system to help you design a life you love, coach your daughter to do the same, and develop a deeper, more meaningful relationship with her along the way.

About Alyce Dailey

About Alyce Dailey

Hi, I’m Alyce.

I’m a coach, speaker, entrepreneur, community builder, and the ultimate Girl Mom raising four wildly adventurous daughters while running multiple businesses alongside my husband, Seth.

I have won numerous awards from The Daily Record and SmartCEO magazine for my leadership in the business community, yet as I’ve traveled across the country to conferences, masterminds, and retreats, the number one question I’ve been asked over the years is: “How have you managed to raise such amazing girls?”

Hint: it wasn’t luck.

Raising daughters to be upstanding, courageous women takes intentional hard work and heart work. I can trace every remarkable, risky initiative I’ve tackled as a mom to something I call MAGIC.

I started the MAGIC Momhood community because I believe being a Mom is the most entrepreneurial venture on the planet. So many moms feel like they’re inadequate to do the job set before them, but I’m here to offer hope. You are not inadequate—you’re just ill-equipped. And there’s a world of difference between the two.

I was once ill-equipped too, which is why I’m so passionate about sharing the MAGIC system to help you design a life you love, coach your daughter to do the same, and develop a deeper, more meaningful relationship with her along the way.